First is the kitchen! Here's our front door, which is technically a back door!

Those flowers on the table were in my car when I got off work last week. Your dad is a gem.

And here's my limited counter space where I have made many meals, and ruined just as many.

We keep a calendar on the fridge so I don't have to be mean and pester dad about the upcoming events in our life.

Then we move right on into the family room!

We got the TV from dads uncle who just happened to leave it at grandma and grandpas house when he moved to Hawaii! Lucky!

Just in case people forget where the are, we put our last name everywhere...

Here's our desk. Study area, recording area, we are gonna be one crazy family.
Nothing real exciting about the bathroom...

Or a hallway...

Here's our cute bedroom. We have the comfiest bed in the whole world. Our mattress was a wedding present from grandma and grandpa cook!!

It gets really hot cuz we don't control the AC. So we always have our fan on!

We also don't want to pay for drapes. So this suffices.

And last but not least... Because it can never stay clean... The "hotel de la shoe" as daddy calls it :)

Here's to more memories.